Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Materials and Suppliers

Here's some of my recommendations for suppliers that I've found both in and arround the southend area and also online stores.

The Strand Gallery - Southchurch road has a good range of art materials and framing supplies. A helpful shop that a discount for students.

Art Shop - Berrys Arcade Rayleigh - a small convenient store in Rayleigh

Laurance Mathews - Stocks a wide range of art materials.

Here's a few of the online store I use on a fairly regular basis:

Jacksons - Stock a wide range of art materials availible at discount prices including their own line of paints - free postage if you spend over a certain amount. approx £39

Great Art - http://www.greatart.co.uk/index.html

Chromos - http://www.chromosart.co.uk/

Seawhite - http://www.artesaver.co.uk/

Rosemary Brushes - http://www.rosemaryandco.com/

Artifolk - http://www.artifolk.co.uk/index.htm

Here's some recomendations from Jennie Sendall
